You are absolutely doing so much good in the world and I have immense respect and gratitude for you. I’m far from Montreal, but even if you only get eight people, what you will do there will be so important.

I’m reminded of a small Jason Webley show I once attended, wherein he started with a usual bit that just wasn’t landing, in a space much bigger than the attendance accounted for. Instead of pushing through it, he set aside his props, sat at the edge of the stage, and compassionately and gently prodded us to find out what we’d come there for and what we needed. It ended up being a super relevant, amazing time, which culminated in a few of us hangers-on exploring underground tunnels in the city we were in: much more memorable and connective than a big show that ultimately would have been like any other show.

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It is always so orienting and relieving to read your work and see my experiences with my own family mirrored so specifically. I'm grateful for your writing and I'm so sorry for the abuse and trauma you have experienced. I hope the zine launch is a beautiful experience for you.

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I’d be there if I weren’t literally not in the country. I did tell my cousin to go who lives there so I’m hoping she’ll go and take all her friends too :)

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Thank you!

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I just felt called to say that reading this deeply touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I recognize the grief and pain of betrayal you describe with your ex friend in some of my own experiences. Your work has always helped me be more of myself and feel more of life. I wish I could be there there at your launch to stand with you and your important work. But no matter how many people show it will be significant and valiant.

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Your efforts at creation and discovery and untabooifying and nuancing are so special to me and so many other people. I am not in the area to attend but I sent some stuff thru PayPal and hope others do too. I tried to send yesterday and it didn’t work but a second try today made the money land. You are doing amazing. I am glad to be among your audience. I know that whatever happens with this launch, you will make existential gold out of it. You are a FORCE of magic.

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Thank you. 💜🙏🏻

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Your vulnerability and courage and transparency are your greatest gifts, alongside your writing. Thank you for inspiring and helping so many of us. I’d give anything to be there, but I’m in Australia. Have sent you a small token of gratitude and support via PayPal. And I loved that suggestion in the comments abt making the launch a smaller, personal affair if the numbers allow for it, one where you truly get to see and hear about the impact of your work from a select few. It’s the ones on the margins you’ve always fought to reach. I really, really believe your day will come where you will be even bigger than you are now. Thank you for bringing us all on this journey. You tell that little one from all of us - you are SO FUCKING IMPORTANT.

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Celebrating your work from Eugene, Oregon <3

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I realize this is very late but I would like to join the Livestream (my evening only just freed up) but i no longer see the link to get tickets! Anyone have it? Thank you!!

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Unfortunately I wasn’t able to add people anymore once I was at the event setting up. But we recorded it and I’ll release the recording some time next week.

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