I really appreciate the "humanity as a whole" part of this. There is, I think, a weird all-or-nothing idea with many when it comes to forgiveness: either it's all on "me", the individual, to forgive and absolve and act as the Higher Power, or NONE of it is on me, so it doesn't matter what I do, so why shouldn't I hate and wish harm? I think we all have a duty to be okay, and at the same time, we all have a duty to be a part of a structure that helps others be okay.

Thank you for this incredible writing.

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this is hitting me really hard and helping me navigate wanting to write about something horrible that i don't know how to write about but in every fiber of my being, do know how to write about. thanks for the writing Clementine.

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This is such an amazing piece of writing. Your writing has given a home, a grounding to my anxiety. When I was going through the worst of it I would read your work and it would help deal with all the anger and the rage and the hopelessness. It also helped me see the full humanity of my cancellers even when they refuse to see mine and that was a huge help in my journey. Some of the things you say in your writing I already do them but I would doubt if I am being selfish or arrogant, like with not waiting around for someone to forgive me until I live my life, it felt wrong sometimes but I knew it wasn't wrong and that I shouldn't make my life conditional, dependant on someone else, it wont be fair to me or to the other person. Thank you for giving clarity to the giant mess in my head. 🥺💚

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This, this essay. It spoke to my core, it opened me up. It helped me remember the truths in restorative justice, addiction, mindfulness, so much more. I wish everyone could read and hear it! 🩷🌏

"When we threaten people’s dignity and belonging, we terrify them and terrified people can’t learn and can’t change." - in a way, could this sum up the heart of all conflict?

"We will never transform what we cannot face and claim. We need to look at all human behaviour and say, that’s us, that’s ours"

"When we are dehumanizing someone we are not telling the truth.",

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You are honestly a beacon of light . I am humbled by you. Thank you for your art and willingness to do this work and then translate it so beautifully so others can learn from and with you. Your essays help me to be more courageous with my own dedication to authenticity, forgiveness and unflinching gaze, and it honestly fills my heart knowing so many other people are reading them too. And bringing back Mary , fucking yes ! A true icon.

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For some reason I felt compelled to share this with you the minute I read your subject line, and even more so when you began by writing about the Virgin Mary.


I was in the audience when this story was shared and it will never leave me. In my mind, it's not about this individual person extending forgiveness, but about how something much bigger did the forgiving. I hope you get a chance to listen. <3

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deeply important and beautiful piece of writing. as a survivor of CSA, i really can't thank you enough for starting to speak about your experience (and for shouting out this kesha song, which has been a go-to for me for years!). witnessing your witnessing is a lovely thing <3

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This is great! I remember reading a post of yours on instagram ages ago about not really vibing with the concept of forgiveness - I had a vague sense there was an aspect of the concept the post missed that felt important to me then, but couldn't articulate it enough to be worth commenting. Reading this now, you've nailed those parts I couldn't quite pin down then: that forgiveness for every human (from god or humanity as a whole) is critically important, and to forgive others can be freeing and empowering as an individual choice, but expecting forgiveness from others shouldn't get slipped in there too. It's interesting to me that "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us" maybe gets that part right - there's nothing there about those we have trespassed against forgiving us.

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This is such incredible wisdom, it floors me. What a massive invitation. How beautifully you articulate it. Wow wow wow wow WOW.

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