Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

Sounds utterly exhausting to embody the cultural symbol you have become. Wishing you the care and reprieve you deserve! 🖤🖤🖤

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

I recently had a friend dismiss a public figure that I appreciate as "angry," and therefore wrong and not trustworthy. -- and my question was, since when are we not allowed to be angry, or disagree? Just another bullshit way to dismiss any writer / thinker, for being too "polarizing," for expressing dissent or any negative emotions. -- y'all are incredibly generous and kind, and also funny, and there's something funny about owning that we're "fucking cancelled." -- Much gratitude to you for your work, and compassion to your wearied human heart. Xoxo. I hope there is some rest you can lean into today.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

solidarity, always. i recognise intimately a lot of the sentiments here in miniature from my own experience. please know that if i am ever in a practical position to offer you that grace, that care, it comes unconditionally, and i mean that wholly 💞

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

Thank you for this post (and all of the work that you do!). It reminds me of the quote from Rudy Francisco, "When you choose to be a poet, when you choose to spill like this, bleed like this, cry like this, your pain becomes an exhibit. A place for people to walk through and then leave when they are ready. No one ever asks a museum if it's okay." I hope you can receive more safety and care, and I'll challenge myself to try to be louder and prouder in my support for and appreciation of you and your work.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

Hi Clementine. I did not know who you were, or about your movement less than two weeks ago. From where I am standing however, it appears that you are gaining momentum. Most of the human population at this point, knows to some degree that Cancel Culture is a sham. It has been coopted and appropriated from what it once was by those who conveniently tout themselves as righteous and pious. It has been weaponized for the purpose of cheap power grabs and dopamine hits for weak, scared people.At this point, most of the people involved are desperate to not get cancelled themselves. I suspect *that* subset of “cancellers” will hit the eject button at the first sign of an exit. History repeats itself, and this current incarnation of the McCunthy inquisition zealot witch hunts will one day circle jerk itself out of favor. I can feel it, like electricity on my face. I can hear the muffled disdain from the people amongst people who have either been cancelled, or witnessed someone they love go through it. The McCunthies will find themselves outnumbered, and outgummed. Clementine, you ARE a symbol, but one of hope, positivity, and a unified left. The powers that be have a vested interest in dividing and conquering, so they are going to double down. Just know that your real people got your back; Sharpen your Minotaur horns girl, coz we all gotta keep pressing.

<3 you


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Clementine Morrigan

I'm grateful for all you're doing to change the culture we live in! Your work has helped articulate and clarify many ideas that I've been grappling with for the last few years.

Also, I'd just like to give your nervous system some acknowledgement of how exhausting it must be to be on the receiving end of so much anger and harassment. I hope you're able to receive the care you're needing! 💖

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I’d do anything for u bb🩷

You’re such a gift in my life

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